(Revised November, 2016)
This organization shall be known as the Coos Library Board.
The Coos Library Board is appointed to advise the Coos County Library Service District Governing Body on governance of the Library District. The purpose of the Coos Library Board is to provide quality library service to all residents of Coos County. The Coos Library Board’s powers and duties are set forth in the Coos County Library Service District Master Plan (“Master Plan”).
Section 1. The Coos County Library Service District is a county Service District formed pursuant to ORS 451.010 (1) (k) and Chapters 198 and 451 for the purpose of providing public library services in Coos County, approved by Coos County voters in November 1992, with its boundaries being that of Coos County, Oregon.
Section 2. The Governing Body of the Coos County Library Service District is the Board of County Commissioners.
Section 3. The seven incorporated cities, as well as the unincorporated community of Dora (the Dora Public Library, a non-profit Corporation), hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Cities” or individually as the “City” shall be responsible for the day-to-day operation and administration of their libraries. Their authority shall include, but not be limited to, the powers described in the Master Plan.
Section 4. The City of Coos Bay shall be responsible for the operation and administration of its library and of the Extended Services Office “ESO” according to the terms of its contract with the Coos County Library Service District and as described in the Master Plan.
Section 1. The Coos Library Board shall consist of seven voting members selected and appointed by the Coos County Library Service District Governing Body as described in the Master Plan.
Section 2. Should a vacancy occur on the Coos Library Board, the remainder of the term shall be filled by the same manner of selection and appointment as described above for that position.
A seat shall be deemed vacant upon the incumbent’s death, resignation, conviction of a felony, or ceasing to possess the qualifications for the seat in accordance with Section 7 of the Master Plan. A member’s removal may be requested of the Coos County Library Service District Governing Body by a majority vote of the Coos Library Board.
Section 1. Chair
1. Shall be elected by the Coos Library Board for a term of one year beginning December 1.
2. Shall preside over all meetings of the Coos Library Board.
3. Shall appoint all committee members.
4. Shall be an ex-officio member to all committees.
5. Shall plan the meeting agenda with cooperation of the other officers and committee chairs.
6. Should a vacancy occur in the office of Chair, the Coos Library Board shall elect a new Chair for the remainder of the term. If necessary, this will take place at a special meeting called for this purpose.
Section 2. Vice Chair
1. Shall be elected by the Coos Library Board for a term of one year beginning December 1.
2. Shall serve in the absence of the Chair.
Section 3. Secretary
1. Shall be selected by the Coos Library Board and appointed by the Coos County Library Service District Governing Body.
2. Shall maintain appropriate records, take minutes of the meetings, and forward them to the Coos Library Board members, to the Coos County Library Service District Governing Body, and to the ESO Director for the distribution to Public Libraries, and to other requested inclusions on the mailing list.
3. Board members, and others listed above, shall be advised in writing of the scheduled meetings and notice published in accordance with the Oregon Public Meeting Laws.
Section 1. Number of Meetings. There shall be a minimum of two meetings each year to be held in the Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer.
1. Election of officers shall be held at a meeting prior to December 1st each year.
2. Services of the ESO shall be reviewed annually.
3. Contracts and distribution of district funds shall be reviewed and determined annually prior to the fiscal year end.
4. Copies of each library’s annual report to the Oregon State Library and official audit for the previous fiscal year shall be received by all Coos Library Board members annually.
5. The adopted plan for library services shall be reviewed annually.
Section 2. Special meetings can be called by the Chair and shall be called upon the written request of two or more members of the Board. Except in cases of emergency, at least three days’ notice shall be given.
Section 3. All Board meetings shall be held in compliance with the Oregon Public Meeting Law as set out in the Oregon Revised Statutes.
Section 4. A quorum shall consist of four voting members being present. The four members would be required to cast a unanimous vote to pass a motion.
Section 5. Voting:
1. Voting shall be conducted by Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised.
2. Recommendations shall be made by voting and adopted by a majority vote.
3. All voting actions shall be recorded in the minutes.
4. Each member shall have one vote.
5. A majority vote shall consist of four members.
Section 6. Amending these By-Laws:
1. Amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Chair no less than four weeks prior to a scheduled meeting.
2. Such amendments shall be circulated to the Coos Library Board members and others who are on the mailing list to receive the minutes.
3. Amendments shall be adopted by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the Coos Library Board.
The Coos Library Board is mandated to advise the Coos County Library Service District Governing Body regarding funding and organizational issues, limited to the duties as described in the Master Plan.